Version 1.x dropped, long live v2.0!

Big change in development have been made yesterday. First due for September 15 and postponed to Sept. 25, version 1.3 was officially dropped yesterday, along with the next version (1.4). There’s a good reason to this: 1.3 was supposed to implement a new metadata format, allowing for more advanced settings like meta filtering of movies based on release date, runtime, countries… Version 1.4 was planned to implement a completely remade settings panel and an powerful plugins support module.

These features are very important ones we’ve been thinking of for months and we hope will make WPMovieLibrary a great, free tool to manage your movie library. While working on v1.3 it clearly appeared to us that we couldn’t effectively provide the new metadata features without reorganizing a lot of internal things that were not adapted to our vision of what this plugin should be; we came to the conclusion that the best option we have is to complete drop the two branches we currently have, and move all work-in-progress features to a complete new version 2.0.

Now this means it may take some time for us to push online this v2.0, and for that we’re really sorry. Still, we’ll do our best to provide support on the latest stable release, v1.2.2, and follow up on any bug you find. And in the meantime, we’ll be working on building an awesome new version! Here’s a short list of the features we’re working on and hope to put into WPMovieLibrary 2.0:

  • Completely reworked settings panel using the awesome ReduxFramework;
  • New metadata format
  • Built-in converting tool to update your library to that new format
  • Help screens
  • Built-in Import/Export movies tool to make backups of your library
  • Better languages support
  • Complete plugins support

The rest is up to you! Feel free to submit us any feature request and we’ll see what we can do! Don’t miss us on Twitter, Facebook or Google+, and if you’re an adventurous mind, check regularly on the official GitHub repo to see how good we’re doing on the v2.0 version!

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